Chris Ware Drawings 
Original Story Script 
Personal Features
Simple detailed Drawings 
Perspective Drawings 
Influential Perspective Drawings 
People and building sketch 
First Iteration 
Re-Drawn building with more detail 
Break in wall 
Man Walking (on his phone) 
Lady walking 
Chris Ware is an American designer that looks at the architecture of buildings. His works are slightly different because of the speculations that he makes in each of the drawings. He also works with a comic book style to show the stories and the lives of the people that he is speculating to be in his buildings. When looking at his works you can see that there are a lot of literal things that are happening in the drawings as well as a lot of speculative theories about the contents of the drawings. The literal things would be the outside of the building and its obvious features of the environment that he is drawing. The speculative would be the stories that he makes up for the people or the insides of the buildings that he is drawing. These both make his works stronger because there is story that may or may not be true but it draws the audience in to look and learn more about the people. In the stories, he goes into detail about how the people would wake up, spend their days and other odd information that would not be know unless made up. His works also focus on the mix of histories on the block in the city with the use of many stories for many different people and he also uses seasonal changes to show how the people would act in different seasons throughout the year. 

Ware’s drawing is American cartoon and has a very effective for his drawings. He uses simple colours that contrast with each other to make the images very clear as well as the use of thick black lines to make the images more obvious. The use of colours and lines also enforce the cartoon style of his drawings. The comic strips that he draws also make reference with the poster because they make reference to the characters in the drawings and the buildings that are in the drawings. 

To mimic his style I had to look at the building in a different way. It was not about having such a obvious drawing but also about having a speculative imagination on what could be happening inside of the building that I was drawing. I also had to look at the people that he drew and needed to mimic them. When drawing the people I looked at the very simple stile that Ware does. His people use simple colours and I feel they and average people. This means that they aren’t model types and the ideal human but much more normal everyday person. This means that when drawing them they I had to look at his works and try draw them as similar to his as possible. To make it my own I made drawings slightly different and I also made the crack into the building to set up the comic part. 

After presenting my first drawings, the feedback that I was given assisted me in the new design. Looking at the image, I was able to see that it wasn’t as natural as Ware’s. This took me back to re drawing it with a much more natural look and also a different perspective to draw from. I also added more details about the building that I didn’t have in my first drawings such as the interior of the office and the lines and curve pattern on the buildings outside. The addition of the people walking around the outside of the building help make the drawing the more like Ware’s work. 
Chris Ware 2.0

Chris Ware 2.0
